Helper Methods

This package contains a lot of helper methods to make setting up API calls a lot easier. Here are all the available helper methods for performing API calls.

Subscription: Create Recurring Subscription (Daily)

$response = $provider->addProduct('Demo Product', 'Demo Product', 'SERVICE', 'SOFTWARE')
->addPlanTrialPricing('DAY', 7)
->addDailyPlan('Demo Plan', 'Demo Plan', 1.50)
->setReturnAndCancelUrl('', '')
->setupSubscription('John Doe', '', '2021-12-10');

Subscription: Create Recurring Subscription (Weekly)

$response = $provider->addProduct('Demo Product', 'Demo Product', 'SERVICE', 'SOFTWARE')
->addPlanTrialPricing('DAY', 7)
->addWeeklyPlan('Demo Plan', 'Demo Plan', 30)
->setReturnAndCancelUrl('', '')
->setupSubscription('John Doe', '', '2021-12-10');

Subscription: Create Recurring Subscription (Monthly)

$response = $provider->addProduct('Demo Product', 'Demo Product', 'SERVICE', 'SOFTWARE')
->addPlanTrialPricing('DAY', 7)
->addMonthlyPlan('Demo Plan', 'Demo Plan', 100)
->setReturnAndCancelUrl('', '')
->setupSubscription('John Doe', '', '2021-12-10');

Subscription: Create Recurring Subscription (Annual)

$response = $provider->addProduct('Demo Product', 'Demo Product', 'SERVICE', 'SOFTWARE')
->addPlanTrialPricing('DAY', 7)
->addAnnualPlan('Demo Plan', 'Demo Plan', 600)
->setReturnAndCancelUrl('', '')
->setupSubscription('John Doe', '', '2021-12-10');

Subscription: Create Recurring Subscription (Custom Intervals)

$response = $provider->addProduct('Demo Product', 'Demo Product', 'SERVICE', 'SOFTWARE')
->addCustomPlan('Demo Plan', 'Demo Plan', 150, 'MONTH', 3)
->setReturnAndCancelUrl('', '')
->setupSubscription('John Doe', '', '2021-12-10');

Subscription: Create Subscription with Existing Product & Billing Plan

$response = $provider->addProductById('PROD-XYAB12ABSB7868434')
->setReturnAndCancelUrl('', '')
->setupSubscription('John Doe', '', '2021-12-10');

Subscription: Create Subscription with Setup Fee

$response = $provider->addSetupFee(9.99)
->setReturnAndCancelUrl('', '')
->setupSubscription('John Doe', '', '2021-12-10');

Subscription: Create Subscription with Shipping Address

$response = $provider->addShippingAddress('John Doe', 'House no. 123', 'Street 456', 'Test Area', 'Test Area', 10001, 'US')
->setReturnAndCancelUrl('', '')
->setupSubscription('John Doe', '', '2021-12-10');

Subscription: Create Subscription with Payment Failure Threshold

$response = $provider->addPaymentFailureThreshold(5)
->setReturnAndCancelUrl('', '')
->setupSubscription('John Doe', '', '2021-12-10');

Subscription: Create Subscription with Taxes

$response = $provider->addTaxes(5)
->setReturnAndCancelUrl('', '')
->setupSubscription('John Doe', '', '2021-12-10');

Billing Plans: Update Pricing Schemes

$response = $this->client->addBillingPlanById('P-5ML4271244454362WXNWU5NQ')
->addPricingScheme('DAY', 7, 0, true)
->addPricingScheme('MONTH', 1, 100)